May 10, 1861.
Both sides were preparing for war, but what to expect neither side knew. The destruction of the railroad in Baltimore, April 19th, delayed the arrival of troops in Washington D.C. for several days. Rumors of an attack from Virginia were persistent. President Lincoln despaired, "Why don't they come?" and "I don't believe there is any North." But on the 25th of April the troops began pouring in.
In Virginia, May 1st, Maj. Gen. Robert E. Lee, commanding state troops ordered a concentration of volunteers at Harper's Ferry under Col. T. J. Jackson. Machinery at the rifle factory was to be sent south. Lee, considered the best officer in the Federal Army by commanding general Winfield Scott, and an opponent of secession, had resigned his military commission on April 18th to return to Virginia.
President Lincoln extended the Federal blockade of southern ports south to Virginia and North Carolina.
Meanwhile in Massachusetts the organization of militia continued with zeal. The 2nd Marlboro Rifle Company drafts a constitution on May 10th. The company will muster into the 13th Mass., as Company I. (Document transcription from the original company field books, courtesy of Mr. R. Humphrey.)
Marlborough May 10th. 1861
The company met at there room
for drill.
The committee chosen to draught
the by-laws for the company reported
that they had attend to that duty
And ask leave to report
Moses P. Palmer for the comtt
We who have enrolled our names upon
the volunteer militia enlistments roll
of Massachusetts and have organized
ourselves into a company of Riflemen
agreeable to the Laws of the State.
Say one and all
that whereas a certain portion of our
countrymen have rebelled and have
taken up arms against our constitutional
Government and have refused to obey its just
Laws under which they as well as we have
enjoyed so many blessings, that we have so acted
because we fully believe it to be our duty
which we owe to our country to humanity
and to God. And we further say that we do
pledge our lives our fortunes and our sacred
honor to help to maintain and defend the flag
of our glorious union from traitors at home or
foes from abroad, and we do agree to do and submit
to such orders rules and regulations as the Law
requires and such as shall be adopted by the
company under the following by Laws:
Art. 1st, This company shall be called the Union
Rifle Guards, Marlborough.
Art. 2nd. No person hereafter shall be considered a member
of said company until he is voted in by a
majority of two thirds of said company and
signs the enlistment and By Laws of the company.
Art. 3rd. All business of the company shall be
considered binding when a majority of the
company present shall designate at any
regularly called meeting.
Art. 4th. The Commanding Officer shall preside
at all meetings of said company.
Art. 5th. Penalty for nonappearance at the time
appointed for drill or otherwise - for
commissioned officers – one dollar,
privates fifty cents. Fines for evening
drill excepted.
Art. 6th. The roll shall be called precisely at the hour of meeting.
Art. 7th. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the
company to record all votes and proceedings
at each and every meeting in an orderly
book kept for that purpose. All fines shall
be collected by the clerk and paid in to the
Treasurer of the company and he shall keep a
fair record of all fines and for forfeitures in the
aforesaid orderly book all fines shall be
for the use of the company.
Art. 8th. There shall be chosen annually a committee
of three whose duty it shall be to make
all assessments on the company and provide
when required and pay out all bills of the
company and if any surplus remains it shall
forthwith be paid into the Treasurer, and said
committee shall draw orders on the Treasurer for
any money not otherwise appropriated in his
Art. 9th. There shall be chosen annually a Treasurer of
said company who shall give bonds for the
strict performance of his duty. He shall receive
all orders from the committee and pay the
same when there is money in Treasury.
Art.10th. There shall be chosen annually a committee
to settle all differences between members of
the company.
Art.11th. All assessments of the company shall be made
equal on all members of the company. Musicians excepted.
Art.12th. We pledge ourselves that we will support and
obey our officers.
Art.13th. Any by-Laws of said company may be altered,
amended, as abrogated by a vote of two thirds
of the members present at any regularly called
Art.14th. Any member of said company who shall behave in a
disorderly manner while on duty shall be liable to
be voted out of said company (provided) that two
thirds of the company present shall vote for it.
Art.15th. Any member may call a meeting of said company by a
petition to the commander accompanied by a
majority of members.
Art.16 th. Each and every member shall be held
responsible for the damage his uniform, rifle, and
other equipments may sustain through carelessness
or neglect.
Art.17th. All uniforms furnished by the town shall
be held as company property.
Art.18th. Uniforms and equipments held as company property
shall be used only in the performance of military
duties except by permission of the officers of
said company, and all said uniforms and equipments
of any leaving said company for any cause shall
be left with the clerk of said company.
Art.19. The annual meeting of the company shall be
holden on the last Wednesday of May in each year.
Moses P. Palmer
David H. Brown
Alfred G. Howe
Samuel D. Witt
Samuel W. Fay
Issac B. Crowell
Frank J. Wood
Edwin Diel
William Baker
M. L. Lucus
Algenon S. Smith
Lysander P. Parker
Amos C. Morrill
E. R. Emerson
Alexander M. Gilvary
Henry A. Holyoke 1st
John M. Russell
John S. Felton
Benjamin F. Russell
Francis W. Hastings
Charles W. Whitcomb
W. Frank Brigham
Ald B. Hastings
Rufus Howe 1st
Cranston Howe 2nd
John W. Kirby
George E. Dean
Warren I. Stetson
Sylvanus H. Parker
Eugene A. Albee
John F. Klenert
Joseph Hall
Franklin Stetson
James Gleason drummer
William W. Willis
Charles S. Parker
Francis H. Stowe
Otis Chose
Eugene J. Holyoke 2nd
Origin B. Williams
Samuel T. Shattuch
Millard S. Williams
William A. Alley
Harrison Chose
Gerhart Gentner
John P. Peebles
C. C. Weight
Charles H. Cotting
John L. Spencer
Benjamin J. Whittier
Albert Taylor
William Cossroy
John F. Rose
George F. Smith 1st
James C. Fox
John F. Wright
George T. Brigham 2nd
George O. Grady
Charles Scott
Lowell P. Parker
Owin Beane
Edward H. Mosher 2nd
Ariel Crosby
Edward E. Bond
Levi Taylor
William Barnes
George Brown
Lowell S. Wheeler
Theodore H. Goodnow
G. M. Brigham
Nathaniel B. Tryham
Benjamin Parker
Theodore L. Makan
George Minek
Michael Murphy
William H. Wight
Elery E. Goodwin
John M. Pierce
Moses P. Rice
George H. Tuckey
Henry A. Mowry
Thomas L. Bryant
William M. Weeks
Osceola V. Newton
Patrick Lavell
Davis P. Howard
Peter Flynn
Charles Stone
John McIntire
George H. Moore
Charles T. Love
Benjamin G. Hallet
Albert F. Holmes
Thomas Boyd Jr.
Charles M. Tales
Marlborough, May 10th 1861
The company met at there room and
on motion voted to choose a committee
of three to meet the town committee and
assertain if they intend anything and what they will do toward providing
for the familys of those who enlist to
serve as soldiers during the present war.
Chose A. S. Smith
S. D. Witt
Geo. F. Smith
Said committee