The lack of posts here at the blog is due to the relentless effort to
finish the latest page of my website. I'm proud to say that new page is
up; an undertaking that took 4 months of continuous work. There are
113 images, including 28 pictures of '13th Mass' guys on the new page.
Hopefully most readers don't have 'dial up.' This page breaks new
It is the first 'detail' page of the website for the year 1863.
There are significantly fewer primary sources left to tell the soldiers'
story in their own words. Fortunately with the help of descendants,
collectors, national park archives, museums, & historical societies
I've pulled together an impressive number of un-published materials to
continue with descriptions of the soldiers' life in camp around Belle
Plain Landing, Virginia, in the harsh winter months of January, February
& March.
Morale was at a low ebb. Mud swallowed up what was left of it,
along with the rest of the army, during General Burnside's disastrous
'Mud March' campaign. Desertions became frequent. Harsh winds &
snow made picket duty even more unpleasant than usual. Still the
soldiers endured, as the letters attest.
I'm pleased to have permission from the Pearce Museum, Navarro
College, Texas to post transcriptions of of two letters from their
collections. The museum relies in part on income it gets providing
copies of these transcriptions to researchers. It is very generous of
them to allow me to share Charles Leland's letters. Nineteen year old
Charles writes his father about morale and desertions in the Army under
Burnside's leadership. The Pearce Museum has other holdings related to
the '13th Mass' including the 1863 diary of John Boudwin, Co. A, some
letters of John Fox, 2nd Mass. Vols, brother of Lt. Charles B. Fox, and
11 letters of Oliver H. Walker, who transferred to the 24th Mass., from
the 13th, in Dec. 1861. Check out their site here:
Pearce Museum.
In December I received several materials from the collections in
the Massachusetts Historical Society. Some of these are on the new
page, including a few witty letters of Charles Adams, Company A, of
Dorchester, who gained fame in the post war years with a series of
German-Dialect poems and verses published under the pseudonym 'Little
Yawcob Strauss.' Adam's fondness for word play shows up in letters to
his various siblings.
In one of his letters, Charles mentions a sea-shanty song, popular
in the states in the 1860's. A little research revealed the title of
the 'Bow Wow Wow' song to be "Boston Harbor." A link to a version of
the song performed on YouTube adds a musical dimension to the history of
the regiment.
The letters of Dennis G. Walker, and George Henry Hill are not to
be missed, both provided by family descendants. Those of you with
problems spelling, will appreciate Walker's unique disregard to the
discipline. George Hill gets a box from home and carefully
describes all its contents in a letter of acknowledgement to his
favorite aunt.
A very rare photo of Dennis G. Walker is provided by another
descendant, whose
ancestor kept a large scrapbook of photos of his 13th Mass comrades. A
few other impossible to find images from the same source are included on
the new page.

As usual private John B. Noyes describes everything he
sees around him when he returns to the camp of the 13th, in February, 1863, the first to
get back after recovering from wounds at Antietam. Noyes takes us along
on picket duty during a snow storm, outlining his responsibilities and
that of the squad commander. Then he takes us on a long trek through
the muddy camps of the Army of the Potomac, scattered about Belle Plain
Landing and Falmouth, VA, to the Headquarters of new commander General
Joe Hooker. Noyes accepted a position as clerk at Provost Marshall
General Marsena Patrick's Headquarters in March. The position gives him
a broader perspective with which to comment on the condition of the
Army of the Potomac as it prepares for the coming Spring Campaigns, and
he does.

I always try to sprinkle every page with some humor if possible.
In this case two stand alone articles do the job. "Grins," by Clarence
Bell recalls incidents of camp life which caused the soldiers to smile,
pay-day and mail call being the most prominent. Regimental Historian
Charles E. Davis, Jr. uses his customary satire to caricature some of
the less soldierly fellows found within the ranks of the 13th Mass, in
the article 'Shirks.'
Letters and commentary by the usual gang, Austin Stearns, Sam Webster, & Warren Freeman fill out the narrative.
Here is the link,
Winter Camp.
Enjoy the new page.