July 16 was the anniversary of the regiments muster in date.
Warrenton Va., July 16, 1862.
One year has fled since we first pledged ourselves to support the Constitution
and the Laws if need be with the sacrifice of our lives. If many of the
men have changed their minds in some respect on certain points during the last
year, it is simply because certain contingencies have arisen over which they
had no control. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick. Those who are
already in the field by taking a backward glance, see much to discourage
them,–that which all supposed would certainly be accomplished still remains
undone. In fact appearances indicate that the struggle is
commencing. Untold sufferings have been endured patiently and without
complaint, hope cheering us on to the final success; we reach the goal only to
find ourselves driven back by superior numbers, forced to retreat day after
day, leaving our killed and wounded in the hands of the enemy, all our original
plans have been overthrown, and had our army been under the command of almost
any other man than General George B. McClellan, the entire force would have
been captured or cut to pieces. Our position is secure for the present;
we will soon enter upon another line of operation–time will show with what
A short time since we had as many or more troops than we wanted, the call has
now been made for three hundred thousand more, and why is this? Because
the full resources of the rebel government was not understood! It would
seem scarcely possible that we could be so blind, when we know that every
setting sun was strengthening the rebel army through the conscription act of
the dictators. The rebels have to-day a larger force in the field by hundreds
of thousands than we have. We have been doing but little, while they have
thrown their whole soul into the work.
As another large army has been called for, the time has again come for the
lovers of the Union to show their patriotism,
there if more than enough bone and muscle left to answer to the call. The
question is will they respond as freely as did the volunteers of last
year? Is there not a little doubt in the minds of our rulers in regard to
this? If not, why double the bounty? Are those able bodied men at
home any better or any worthier than those men who are now at the seat of
war? Do they possess less patriotism? One might suppose so from the
means used to get them --- come over and help us. Are their hearts more
tender, their love of wife and children more strong than ours? If not why
is it that means are used to raise them a year since? A civil war is
supposed to affect the whole country, each individual man, woman and child will
of necessity feel its effects. Why then should not all do all they can,
be it ever so little, to crush the monster which has caused it.
The three years volunteers feel sore when they look upon the action taken in
relation to the raising of more troops.
In my opinion, instead of going towards Richmond,
we shall have our full before long in taking care of “stonewall Jackson.”
When he left for Richmond,
he said he should come back, and most of us believe he will be here at no very
distant day.
(Roxbury City Gazette; July 24, 1862; pg. 2, col. 7.)
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