The web page at my site titled, "Nine Weeks at Harper's Ferry" has been updated with new material and css code. There is a technical glitch in the page design that shows up in my firefox browser. The blue column at screen left does not scroll to the bottom. Other than that distracting problem, there is a lot of new information.
Correspondence with research volunteer Eugene Wilkins and Supervising Park Ranger David Fox, at Harper's Ferry N.P. in early 2010 clarified several key locations of the skirmishes and activities of the 13th Mass soldiers, who picketed the river in the Fall of 1861. More information came to light this summer when I corresponded with Paul Brodeur of the Marlboro, Mass. Historical Society. Other new material cropped up during the 3 years since I built the page, so it was time for an update.
I've always been proud of this page because the period was not written about in Charles E. Davis, jr.'s regimental history, "Three Years in the Army." Some information is given in Sgt. Austin Stearns Memoir, "Three Years With Company K," but there is not enough detail.
I have added the following information to the page:
News accounts from the Boston City Gazette, the Philadelphia Inquier and the Westboro Transcript. This includes information about the John Brown Bell, the burning of Herr's Mill, and more. There is also a little more information on Mr. Abraham Herr, and his claim to the govt. for rent money.
A section on civil engineer Lauriman Russell, Co. I, (pictured) and his maps.
Information on the final resting place of private John L. Spencer, first man of the regiment killed by the enemy.
A photo of California 49er, private Chandler Robbins, of Co. K with a letter to the Westboro Transcript.
An excellent report of the Battle of Bolivar Heights from the Washington Star. Also, the report of Lt. J.W. Martin, commanding Battery K, of the 9th N.Y. artillery.
A photo of Lt. William R. Warner, Co. K with his description of the engagement at Bolivar Heights, including reference to Capt. Shriber's noteworthy command, "Company I, Run!" which is sited in Davis's history of the 13th.
A photo of Corporal George Marshall, Co. C to accompany a description of his experience at Bolivar.
A description of the "drug store" clean-out of a secessionist in town.
Two letters of Capt. Shriber were restored to Richard Humphrey's original research. I had placed these on a different page in order to keep a strict chronology, but thought it best to include them on the Harper's Ferry page also.
And more...
Book Update. Green and Blue: Irish Americans in the Union Military,
As some readers may be aware from our Facebook site, I (Damian) have a new
book being released this April with Louisiana State University Press,
titled Gre...
1 week ago
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