Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blog in Real Time - June 28, 1861 - Post #24

John Buttrick Noyes, (1838-1908) Civil War Letters; Houghton Library, Harvard College; used with permission.

Fort Independence, Boston Harbor June 28, 1861
Dear George,
Tomorrow the other rifle battalions which are to form with us the 13th Regt (Riflemen) of the M.V.M. come down to the fort.  The Major meets these battalions on Boston Common at 3 P.M.  So you can see them if you care to.
Wednesday Tower’s (N.A. Rev.) school came down to the fort and saw our dress parade at 5:30 P.M.  The wind blew furiously so that you could hardly keep in line, and hear but indistinctly the orders, so that the parade was not very good in a military point of view.  The girls liked it though, and the more so from the contrast between things here and at Fort Warren from which they had come here.  I found two or three Boston friends among the girls and Miss Dixwell’ (3d) of Cambridge.   It is the general remark that no objection could be made to the advent of Tower’s School on every visiting day during our stay here.  Yesterday we received fatigue pants, a blue shirt, brogans, & towel. Co. C signed 3 year enlistment papers also. I think we shall wait to see what officers we are to serve under before we sign.  We shall probably be mustered into the service in about 10 days, and start for the south within a months time.  I shall not probably go to Cambridge before Commencement day.  Let me know when that is to be. 
We are to be escort to the City Government of Boston 4th of July.  You will then have a chance of seeing us.  Our selection as escort is quite a compliment to us & our efficiency in drill.  If you know any first rate fellows who want to join our Battalion send them down here at once as we are filling up to our complement of 101 men.  We haven’t any room however for any Irishmen or unmitigated roughs.  I shall send my valise to Adams’ Express office to day or tomorrow, and I should like to have you call there and take it.  Let Mother get the duds ready as soon as possible.  I will enclose a letter with directions.
                                    With love to all,
            Yours Truly      John B. Noyes

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